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This is a .NET library for the Threads API.




The library itself is a thin wrapper over the API, so you don't have to craft everything yourself. However we don't provide any authentication dances, so you have to obtain the access token required to interact with the API yourself.

Once you have your access token ready to go you can obtain a client instance like this:

open Threads.Lib
open Threads.Lib.Profile

let threads = Threads.Create("access-token")

async {
  let! (response: ProfileValue seq) =
      profileId = "me",
      profileFields = [

    printfn $"%A{response}"

The Threads API is quite dynamic and you can choose which fields you want to obtain in the response, this is at odds with fsharp's type system which requires types to be statically known at compile time. To work around this we provide a ProfileValue type which is a discriminated union of all possible fields you can obtain from the API. This way you can pattern match on the response and extract the fields you need.

An example would be:

// Define a type to represent the user profile
// with all of the fields you're interested in
type UserProfile = {
    id: string
    username: string
    bio: string

  module UserProfile =
    let emptyProfile = {
      id = ""
      username = ""
      bio = ""

    // In a module or static method, you can define a mapping function to convert
    // the ProfileValue seq to a your type instance
    let ofValues (values: ProfileValue seq) : UserProfile =

      let foldToProfile (current: UserProfile) (nextValue: ProfileValue) =
        match nextValue with
        | Id id -> { current with id = id }
        | Username username -> { current with username = username }
        | ThreadsBiography bio -> { current with bio = bio }
        | ThreadsProfilePictureUrl profilePicture -> current

      Seq.fold foldToProfile emptyProfile values

// somewhere else in your code
async {
  let! (response: ProfileValue seq) =
      profileId = "me",
      profileFields = [

  let profile = UserProfile.ofValues response
  printfn $"%A{profile}"
  // { id = "1234"; username = "johndoe"; bio = "I'm a bio" }

While there are too few fields in the profile response. This will come more handy in other responses like the thread posts themselves. Overall the library is meant to be used like this and tries to be as flexible as possible without compromising the type safety of F# or at least that's what we're trying.

val threads: obj
val async: AsyncBuilder
val response: obj
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
type UserProfile = { id: string username: string bio: string }
val id: x: 'T -> 'T
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
val emptyProfile: UserProfile
val ofValues: values: 'a seq -> UserProfile
val values: 'a seq
val foldToProfile: current: UserProfile -> nextValue: 'b -> UserProfile
val current: UserProfile
val nextValue: 'b
val id: string
val username: string
val bio: string
val profilePicture: obj
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val fold<'T,'State> : folder: ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> state: 'State -> source: 'T seq -> 'State
val response: obj seq
val profile: UserProfile
Multiple items
module UserProfile from index

type UserProfile = { id: string username: string bio: string }

Type something to start searching.