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.NET Core

Currently Working on the next version to also add better support for the VSCode Extension!


Migrondi is a SQL Migrations tool designed to be simple and execute simple migrations. Write SQL and execute SQL against your database.

Migrondi Runs on the major three platforms on both x64 and arm64.


For .NET users

Grab it as a dotnet tool

dotnet tool install Migrondi

For Non .NET users

Grab the binary from the releases page or build from source and put it on your PATH, that way the command is available globally e.g.


# you can put this at the end of your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
# $HOME/Apps/migrondi is a directory where you have downloaded your "Migrondi" binary
export MIGRONDI_HOME="$HOME/Apps/migrondi"

Windows users

You can add it to your powershell profile via code $profile (or your preferred editor) and add the following:

# you can put this at the end of your $profile file

$env:PATH += ";$env:MIGRONDI_HOME"

or add it via the System Properties

Quick Usage Reference

  A dead simple SQL migrations runner, apply or rollback migrations at your ease

  Migrondi [command] [options]

  --version       Show version information
  -?, -h, --help  Show help and usage information

  init, setup <path>         Creates a migrondi.json file where the comand is invoked or the path provided []
  create, new <name>         This will create a new SQL migration file in the configured directory for migrations
  apply, up <amount>         Runs migrations against the configured database []
  down, rollback <amount>    Runs migrations against the configured database []
  list, show                 Reads migrations files and the database to show what is the current state of the migrations
  show-state, status <name>  Checks whether the migration file has been applied or not to the database
type 'T list = List<'T>

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