Navs is a... let's say general purpose routing library, it works over a generic value type to enable flexibility. That means that you can use it most likely anywhere you need to route something. The main use cases are for Desktop Applications. But there's nothing that can stop you from using it in games or even in console applications.
To use this library you need to do a couple of things:
- Define your routes
- Create a router
From there on, you can use the router to navigate to different parts of your application.
open Navs
open Navs.Router
type Page = {
title: string
content: string
onAction: unit -> Task
let routes = [
fun _ _ -> {
title = "Home"
content = "Welcome to the home page"
onAction = fun () -> Task.CompletedTask
fun _ _ -> {
title = "About"
content = "This is the about page"
onAction = fun () -> Task.CompletedTask
let router =<Page>(
fun () -> {
title = "Splash"
content = "Loading..."
onAction = fun () -> Task.CompletedTask
At this point we've defined our routes and created a router. The router is ready to be used to navigate to different parts of the application.
However, the router doesn't navigate anywhere by itself, it requires the user to trigger a navigation event. We can provide a splash
screen to show while we trigger the first navigation.
task {
let! navigationResult = router.Navigate "/home"
match navigationResult with
| Ok() -> printfn "Navigated to home"
| Error errors -> printfn "Failed to navigate to home: %A" errors
The router.Navigate
function returns a Task
that can be awaited to get the result of the navigation. The result is a Result
type that contains the navigation errors if there were any.
In this case, we're navigating to the /home
route, and we're printing a message if the navigation was successful or if it failed.
In order to access the rendered content of the route, you can use the router.Current
property. This property will contain the rendered content of the current route.
Or if you're using FSharp.Data.Adaptive, you can use the router.AcaptiveContent
property to get the rendered content as an adaptive value.
let adaptiveContent () = adaptive {
let! view = router.Content
// the view will always be the most up to date view
match view with
| ValueSome view ->
// ... do something with the view ...
printfn "Current view: \n\n%A" view
return ()
| ValueNone ->
printfn "No view currently"
// ... do something else ...
return ()
If you need an observable, you can easily wrap the router.Content
property in an observable.
// extend the existing AVal module
module AVal =
let toObservable (value: aval<_>) =
{ new IObservable<_> with
member _.Subscribe(observer) = value.AddCallback(observer.OnNext)
// subscribe to the router content
router.Content |> AVal.toObservable
NOTE: If you're coming from C# and you're looking for the observables you can create an extension method in a simialr fashion, but keep in mind that you can use FSharp.Data.Adaptive from C# as well via the CSharp.Data.Adaptive package.
Async Routes
Routes can be asynchronous, this is useful when you need to fetch data from
an API or a database before rendering the view. However be mindful that the longer it takes to resolve
these async routes, the longer it will take to render the view.
Creating Async Routes is as simple as returning an Async
or a Task
from the route handler.
For support cancellation, you can pull the cancellation token from the Async computation you're working with.
let asyncRoute =
fun _ _ -> async {
let! token = Async.CancellationToken
do! Task.Delay(90, token) |> Async.AwaitTask
return {
title = "Async"
content = "This is an async route"
onAction = fun () -> Task.CompletedTask
Task based routes have access to the cancellation token, so you can support cancellation in your routes.
let taskRoute =
fun _ (nav: INavigable<Page>) token -> task {
do! Task.Delay(90, token)
return {
title = "Task"
content = "This is a task route"
onAction =
fun () -> task {
do! Task.Delay(90)
nav.Navigate("/home") |> ignore
The RouteContext object
The RouteContext object is a record that contains the following properties:
- RAW URL that is being activated.UrlInfo
- An object that contains the segments, query and hash of the URL in a string form.UrlMatch
- An object that contains multiple dictionaries with the parameters that were extracted from the URL either from the url parameters the query string or the hash portion of the URL.
If you wanted to define a route that takes a parameter, and then access that in the route handler, you can do so by using the RouteContext
fun ctx _ ->
let guid =
// or ctx.getParam<Guid> "id" if that's your style
RouteContext.getParam<Guid> "id" ctx
|> ValueOption.defaultValue "No Guid Supplied"
title = "Param"
content = $"This is a route with a parameter: {guid}"
onAction = fun () -> Task.CompletedTask
The INavigable<'View>
and IRouter<'View>
The INavigable is provided so you can perform Navigate
and NavigateByname
operations within your view handlers.
Perhaps when a button is clicked, or when a link is clicked, you can use the INavigable
interface to navigate to a different route.
fun ctx (nav: INavigable<Page>) ->
let guid =
|> ValueOption.defaultValue "No Guid Supplied"
title = "Param"
content = $"This is a route with a parameter: {guid}"
onAction =
fun () -> task {
match! nav.Navigate("/home") with
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error errors -> printfn "Failed to navigate to home: %A" errors
The UrlMatch property in the context has algo access to the QueryParams and the Hash of the URL that was matched for this route.
For more information about extracting parameters from the URL, please refer to the UrlTemplates Document section.
State and StateSnapshot
Sometimes it is useful to know if the router is currently navigating to a route or if it's idle. You can use the INavigable.State and INavigable.StateSnapshot properties to get the current state of the router.
The State
property is an adaptive value that will emit the current state of the router.
The StateSnapshot
property is a property that will return the current state of the router.
let state = router.StateSnapshot
match state with
| NavigationState.Idle -> printfn "The router is idle"
| NavigationState.Navigating -> printfn "The router is navigating"
The IRouter interface is reserved to the router object and it provides a few more properties than the navigable interface. This is manly because the rotuer is likely to be used like a service in the application while the navigable interface is more of a route tied object.
Route and RouteSnapshot
The IRouter.Route property is an adaptive value that represents the actual context used by the active route. while the IRouter.RouteSnapshot property is a stale version of the previous.
let route = router.RouteSnapshot
This property can be useful if you want to make some decisions above the route's handler based on the current route like showing/hiding a navigation bar or a sidebar.
Guards are a way to prevent a route from being activated or deactivated. They run before any navigation is performed, the Can Activate
guards run first followed by the Can Deactivate
If any of these guards return a false
value, the navigation will not initiate at all and the NavigationError<T>
will be returned from the router.Navigate
Guards also have access to the RouteContext
object, so you can use the RouteContext
object to make decisions based on the current route. In a similar fashion, remember that
the longer it takes to resolve the guard, the longer it will take to navigate to the route.
|> Route.canActivateAsync(fun routeContext _ -> async {
let! token = Async.CancellationToken
do! Task.Delay(90, token) |> Async.AwaitTask
// return Continue to allow the navigation
// return Stop to prevent the navigation
return Continue
|> Route.canDeactivateAsync(fun routeContext _ -> async {
let! token = Async.CancellationToken
do! Task.Delay(90, token) |> Async.AwaitTask
// return Continue to allow the navigation
// return Stop to prevent the navigation
return Stop
|> Route.canActivateAsync(fun routeContext _ -> async {
let! token = Async.CancellationToken
do! Task.Delay(90, token) |> Async.AwaitTask
// CanActivate guards can also "Re-direct" to a different route
return Redirect "/home"
Route Can Activate Guards can also be used to redirect to a different route, for example you can protect a route and if the user is not authenticated you can redirect them to the login view.
Note: Can Deactivate guards while accept the "Redirect" result, they will not redirect the user to a different route. It will behave the same as if the guard returned "Stop".
The default behavior of the router is to obtain the view from an internal cache if it's available. However, you can change this behavior by using the Route.cache
Which will make the router always re-execute the route handler when the route is activated.
Even if you cache a route there are certain features that will always execute regardless.
- Parameter parsing and route resolution.
- Check for cancellation at the navigation level.
- Route Guards.
asyncRoute |> Route.cache CacheStrategy.NoCache
The rule of thumb for cachign is:
- [ ] Is the view stateful?
- [ ] Is the user expecting to come back and see the same state in the view?
- [ ] Is the view expensive to render?
If any of the above checks true, then you should consider caching the view
- [ ] Is the view state ephemeral and can be discarded when navigating away?
- [ ] Do you want to avoid stale data any time the route is activated?
- [ ] Do you need to dispose of resources when the route is deactivated?
If any of the above checks true, then you should consider not caching the view.
Now keep in mind these are not golden rules written in stone. By default we cache the views, but you can change this behavior in the case it is not suitable for your application.
namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Data
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
val string: value: 'T -> string
type string = String
type Task = interface IAsyncResult interface IDisposable new: action: Action -> unit + 7 overloads member ConfigureAwait: continueOnCapturedContext: bool -> ConfiguredTaskAwaitable + 1 overload member ContinueWith: continuationAction: Action<Task,obj> * state: obj -> Task + 19 overloads member Dispose: unit -> unit member GetAwaiter: unit -> TaskAwaiter member RunSynchronously: unit -> unit + 1 overload member Start: unit -> unit + 1 overload member Wait: unit -> unit + 5 overloads ...
<summary>Represents an asynchronous operation.</summary>
type Task<'TResult> = inherit Task new: ``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult> * state: obj -> unit + 7 overloads member ConfigureAwait: continueOnCapturedContext: bool -> ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<'TResult> + 1 overload member ContinueWith: continuationAction: Action<Task<'TResult>,obj> * state: obj -> Task + 19 overloads member GetAwaiter: unit -> TaskAwaiter<'TResult> member WaitAsync: cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> Task<'TResult> + 4 overloads member Result: 'TResult static member Factory: TaskFactory<'TResult>
<summary>Represents an asynchronous operation that can return a value.</summary>
<typeparam name="TResult">The type of the result produced by this <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1" />.</typeparam>
Task(action: Action) : Task
Task(action: Action, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
Task(action: Action, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj) : Task
Task(action: Action, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
module Route from Navs
type Route = static member define: name: string * path: string * [<InlineIfLambda>] handler: (RouteContext -> INavigable<'View> -> 'View) -> RouteDefinition<'View> + 2 overloads
static member Route.define: name: string * path: string * [<InlineIfLambda>] handler: (RouteContext -> INavigable<'View> -> Threading.CancellationToken -> Task<'View>) -> RouteDefinition<'View>
static member Route.define: name: string * path: string * [<InlineIfLambda>] handler: (RouteContext -> INavigable<'View> -> 'View) -> RouteDefinition<'View>
<summary>Gets a task that has already completed successfully.</summary>
<returns>The successfully completed task.</returns>
namespace Navs.Router
type Router = static member build: routes: RouteDefinition<'View> seq * [<Optional>] ?splash: (unit -> 'View) -> IRouter<'View>
<summary> The current route that is being rendered by the router. </summary>
<remarks> This adaptive value will emit the current route that is being rendered by the router. </remarks>
module AVal from FSharp.Data.Adaptive.CollectionExtensions
module AVal from FSharp.Data.Adaptive
type Async = static member AsBeginEnd: computation: ('Arg -> Async<'T>) -> ('Arg * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * (IAsyncResult -> unit) static member AwaitEvent: event: IEvent<'Del,'T> * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate) static member AwaitIAsyncResult: iar: IAsyncResult * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member AwaitTask: task: Task<'T> -> Async<'T> + 1 overload static member AwaitWaitHandle: waitHandle: WaitHandle * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member CancelDefaultToken: unit -> unit static member Catch: computation: Async<'T> -> Async<Choice<'T,exn>> static member Choice: computations: Async<'T option> seq -> Async<'T option> static member FromBeginEnd: beginAction: (AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction: (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> + 3 overloads static member FromContinuations: callback: (('T -> unit) * (exn -> unit) * (OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> unit) -> Async<'T> ...
type Async<'T>
static member Async.AwaitTask: task: Task<'T> -> Async<'T>
val aval: AValBuilder
type aval<'T> = IAdaptiveValue<'T>
<summary>Defines a provider for push-based notification.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The object that provides notification information.</typeparam>
member IAdaptiveValue.AddCallback: action: ('T -> unit) -> IDisposable
module AVal from Navs
module AVal from FSharp.Data.Adaptive.CollectionExtensions
module AVal from FSharp.Data.Adaptive
Task.Delay(millisecondsDelay: int) : Task
Task.Delay(delay: TimeSpan, timeProvider: TimeProvider) : Task
Task.Delay(delay: TimeSpan, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
Task.Delay(millisecondsDelay: int, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
Task.Delay(delay: TimeSpan, timeProvider: TimeProvider, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
module RouteContext from Navs
type RouteContext = { path: string urlMatch: UrlMatch urlInfo: UrlInfo disposables: IDisposableBag } member addDisposable: IDisposable -> unit
<summary> The context of the route that is being activated. This can be used to extract the parameters from the URL and extract information about the templated route that is being activated. </summary>
<summary> Gets a parameter from the "path" or the "query" section of the route context. </summary>
<param name="name">The name of the parameter to get</param>
<param name="ctx">The route context to get the parameter from</param>
<returns> The parameter value if it exists in the route context and it was succesfully parsed to it's supplied type or None if it doesn't </returns>
[<Struct>] type Guid = new: b: byte array -> unit + 6 overloads member CompareTo: value: Guid -> int + 1 overload member Equals: g: Guid -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member ToByteArray: unit -> byte array + 1 overload member ToString: unit -> string + 2 overloads member TryFormat: utf8Destination: Span<byte> * bytesWritten: byref<int> * ?format: ReadOnlySpan<char> -> bool + 1 overload member TryWriteBytes: destination: Span<byte> -> bool + 1 overload static member (<) : left: Guid * right: Guid -> bool static member (<=) : left: Guid * right: Guid -> bool ...
<summary>Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID).</summary>
Guid ()
Guid(b: byte array) : Guid
Guid(b: ReadOnlySpan<byte>) : Guid
Guid(g: string) : Guid
Guid(b: ReadOnlySpan<byte>, bigEndian: bool) : Guid
Guid(a: int, b: int16, c: int16, d: byte array) : Guid
Guid(a: int, b: int16, c: int16, d: byte, e: byte, f: byte, g: byte, h: byte, i: byte, j: byte, k: byte) : Guid
Guid(a: uint32, b: uint16, c: uint16, d: byte, e: byte, f: byte, g: byte, h: byte, i: byte, j: byte, k: byte) : Guid
module ValueOption from Microsoft.FSharp.Core
[<Struct>] type ValueOption<'T> = | ValueNone | ValueSome of 'T static member Some: value: 'T -> 'T voption static member op_Implicit: value: 'T -> 'T voption member IsNone: bool member IsSome: bool member Value: 'T static member None: 'T voption
<summary> The current state of the router. </summary>
<remarks> This property will return the current state of the router. It will return Navigating when the router is in the process of navigating to a route. It will return Idle when the router is not navigating to a route. </remarks>
<summary> The current route that is being rendered by the router. </summary>
<remarks> This property will return the current route that is being rendered by the router. It will also however return None when the router is in a state where it doesn't have a route to render, this could be when the router is just starting up and hasn't navigated to any route yet or when the router failed to navigate. </remarks>
<summary> A function to define if a route can be activated. </summary>
<param name="guard">A function that returns a boolean</param>
<param name="definition">The route definition</param>
<returns>The route definition with the guard added</returns>
<summary> A Task function to define if a route can be deactivated. </summary>
<param name="guard">A function that returns a boolean</param>
<param name="definition">The route definition</param>
<returns>The route definition with the guard added</returns>
<summary> This function allows you to define if the route can be restored from an in memory cache or if it should be always re-rendered when activated. </summary>
<summary> The strategy that the router will use to cache the views that are rendered when the route is activated. </summary>
<summary> The Cache strategy makes that the rendered view will be stored in memory and will be re-used when the route is activated again. </summary>