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RouteContextExtensions Type

Static members

Static member Description

RouteContextExtensions.getParam (ctx, name)

Full Usage: RouteContextExtensions.getParam (ctx, name)

    ctx : RouteContext - The route context to get the parameter from
    name : string - The name of the parameter to get

Returns: 'CastedType voption The parameter value if it exists in the route context and it was succesfully parsed to it's supplied type or None if it doesn't
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'CastedType

Gets a parameter from the "path" or the "query" section of the route context.

ctx : RouteContext

The route context to get the parameter from

name : string

The name of the parameter to get

Returns: 'CastedType voption

The parameter value if it exists in the route context and it was succesfully parsed to it's supplied type or None if it doesn't

RouteContextExtensions.getParamSequence (ctx, name)

Full Usage: RouteContextExtensions.getParamSequence (ctx, name)

    ctx : RouteContext - The route context to get the parameter from
    name : string - The name of the parameter to get

Returns: 'CastedType seq The parameter value if it exists in the query parameters and it was succesfully parsed to it's supplied type or None if it doesn't
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'CastedType

Gets a parameter from the "query" section of the route context.

This method will attempt to collect as many ocurrences of the parameter as it can find in the query string.

ctx : RouteContext

The route context to get the parameter from

name : string

The name of the parameter to get

Returns: 'CastedType seq

The parameter value if it exists in the query parameters and it was succesfully parsed to it's supplied type or None if it doesn't

Type something to start searching.